
Hi, I'm Sabrina, a long-time life coach turned artist and now teacher too! When I first began exploring painting, I realized I could create beauty instead of pain, and the brightest light that only comes out of darkness. While I found this in the most unexpected way, I knew life had been forever changed with a paintbrush.

As a survivor of domestic violence, what I've learned from over 16 years of working with women since is that our self-belief, our intuition, and our confidence is key to having the life we deserve to live. A life full of happiness, one that gives us back as much as we put in, and one where joy is the center of all things. I found my own healing and much of that is due to painting as an artist.

Signing up for my newsletter, Art Vibes, gives me a chance to connect with you, to reach more women and fill my own mission in life. I'd love to have you join me on this journey! Just enter your email address and click the button to be included.

PS. It's totally Free!